Today- I was reminded of my Mother- her beauty, wisdom, energy and challenges. The gifts she gave me, the gifts I kept and the ones I tossed all flooded my mind creating an overwhelming and somewhat anxious feeling. I chatted with her sister, Marsha, today, who I recently connected with via email. We wrote back and forth about recipes, vinegar and peaches. Somewhere in between the vinegar and peaches I realized, again that I must begin something new- like the new year. So instead of hiring a publisher to help me write a book, with a big peace sign on the cover - I thought I would start here with key tapping and random thoughts sending them into the universal pool of love. The topic I most wonder about is peace and the subject matter surrounding the daily challenges and success with this as humans. I promote, teach, advocate, role model, give, share, regenerate, tolerate, see and want PEACE for all life in a way that is reverent, kind and loving. Daily I find myself in a conversation discussing a situation where I choose peace- I immediately think about all the times I do not choose peace with actions or words. So, this is how and why I am here now. For the purpose of helping myself be accountable for Peaceful acts daily. Today on my run I thought, "Well I can commit to blog for 365 day, or maybe 108 days, or maybe 2 years, I definitely have that much to say," then I realized how silly it is to limit such a random, big, act of kindness to myself and why in the world would I put any limit on such a beautiful and challenging task. So, my goal and purpose is to be kind, loving and peaceful daily, to share of these events, through thick and thin and learn from the experience as well as reflect about the events and choices involved that give the results I will share. I am excited, nervous and a bit peaceful about the whole thing....thinking, writing, sitting, tapping- what am I doing?
Today, a student came to me and said, " Ms. Krista, now I know why you said you and Ms. Ali are sisters, because all people are brothers and sisters, because we are all connected and created by God or you know some people call it different, and now Ms. Krista I understand, because before I did not get it- we are all brothers and sisters." I stood staring blankly, nothing to say, mesmerized by the words of a 6 year old and said my thanks for the experience of life, that I could be in the moment to share such joy, his and mine just for a second. And I thought how we are all connected, the great web of life and how the ultimate goal is to ALL live together in harmony, happily and with peace at the core. To be and show reverence to all life always and find a balance that creates a synchronicity where all life flourishes, this is peaceful choosing........ today, choosing peace.