Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I held, silent, with deep, courageous, oceanic, ujjayi in the pose of Balasana.  Arms, straight and forward while the palms   pressed down and forward.  Knees bent and touching the edges of the mat, the glutueus maximus rested on the heels, while the tops of the  feet pressed toward the earth.  Eyes closed and forehead gently resting on the mat I released all  abdomen muscles and felt a shift of relaxation ease up the spine area.   I deepened the breath and continued to welcome thoughts and dismiss them with the same grace.  I brought  attention to Muladahara (base chakra) and let go of   gripping and tension.  I continued ujjayi, breathing in and exhaling with equal amounts of energy.  Moving upward I noticed Svadhistana (sacral chakra) and here I let go of tension with breath. Slowly shifting to Manipura (solar plexus chakra), I released muscles and relaxed.  Ujjayi pranayama helping keep the  focus I stopped  at Anahata (heart chakra), I inhaled loved and exhaled love, released and continued breathing.   I met the  breath at Vishuddha (throat chakra) and here I inhaled deeply and loudly and exhaled with  peace and continued constricting the back of the throat to feel the vibration.  At  the place of Ajna (brow chakra)  I evoked peaceful thoughts and put  the monkey mind to rest.  And finally at   - Sahasrara (crown chakra) ... I imagined an empty space with a brilliant golden light.  I moved the  focus away from the chakras and emptied the thoughts.  I continued ujjayi and remained here stretching the spine, opening the  heart, letting go of what does not serve  in goodness me or others and found bliss in silence, in  this yin, opening posture.  I continued my practice with grace and love through each posture and  when  the session was complete I found myself in Savasana  Slowly I rolled  back into Balasana... Here  I felt rejuvenated,   invigorated  and inspired. Reborn unto self!